Experience the pinnacle of timeless rustic cigars with Backwoods Black Russian. Crafted through precision machinery, these cigars boast dark-fired tobacco leaves sourced from premium regions, delivering a bold and robust flavor complemented by a velvety, smooth finish. Cherished by cigar enthusiasts, their all-natural composition and distinct flavor profile set them apart. Whether in the company of friends or savoring a tranquil moment alone, Backwoods Black Russian cigars promise a lavish retreat from the ordinary. Immerse yourself in the epitome of smoking pleasure with Backwoods Black Russian cigars.
Backwoods Cigars, a product of Altadis U.S.A Inc., shares its lineage with the esteemed Phillies Cigars, known for their rich history and commitment to quality. These machine-rolled cigars are renowned for their distinctive packaging and the use of high-grade tobacco, ensuring a smoking experience like no other. Whether you prefer singles or packs of two, five, or eight cigars, Backwoods offers a variety to suit every aficionado's taste.
But what sets Backwoods Cigars apart? More than just cigars, they embody a dedication to excellence, encapsulating premium tobacco to deliver a unique and enjoyable smoking experience. From the classic Original Wild 'n Mild to the refined Black 'N Sweet, Backwoods offers a range of flavors to cater to diverse preferences. With options like Sweet Aromatic and Honey Berry, there's something to satisfy every palate, making Backwoods Cigars a versatile choice for enthusiasts.
Among the lineup, Backwoods Black Russian cigarillos stand out for their unforgettable taste experience. Infused with Caribbean Basin Cuban seed and encased in a homogenized tobacco leaf, each cigarillo promises a consistently even burn. Wrapped in Connecticut Broadleaf, they offer a flavorful smoke with hints of sweet, syrupy honey, and sun-ripened berries. With dimensions of 4.5 inches in length and a 32-ring gauge, the Black Russian delivers a satisfying smoke in just twenty minutes.
Featuring a dark brown hue and a smooth texture, these cigarillos provide a brief yet satisfying smoking session without overwhelming the senses. Proudly manufactured by ITG Brands USA, Backwoods holds the esteemed position of being the nation's third-largest facility dedicated to tobacco product production.
For those intrigued by Backwoods weed, synonymous with high-quality marijuana often rolled into Backwoods cigars, a world of sophisticated and flavorful experiences awaits within cannabis culture. And for enthusiasts seeking an extended supply, the pack of Backwoods Black Russian - 5 Cigars offers a convenient and well-stocked reserve for uninterrupted smoking pleasure on various occasions.
Backwoods Black Russian Specs:
- Made In: Dominican Republic
- Distributed By: ITG Brands, LLC
- Length: 4 1/8
- Ring: 27
- Flavor: Iced Vodka & Coffee Liqueur
- Shape: Cigarillo
- Wrapper Type: Connecticut Broadleaf
- Binder: Homogenized Tobacco Leaf
- Filler: Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed
- Origin: Puerto Rico
- Strength: Mellow
- Wrapper Color: Dark Brown / Natural
Looking to indulge in the unique flavor of Backwoods Black Russian? Look no further – buy Backwoods near me and treat yourself to the distinctive taste of iced vodka and coffee liqueur infused cigarillos. With a simple search, you can find retailers offering Backwoods Black Russian near you, ensuring you can enjoy this flavorful smoking experience whenever the mood strikes.