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WiFi Cake by Pluto Craft Cannabis

Connect with WiFi Cake by Pluto Craft Cannabis

The AAAA+ quality WiFi Cake by Pluto Craft Cannabis is a sativa-dominant hybrid that was originally bred by the Jungle Boys. With THC levels reaching as high as 30%, it’s no wonder this strain is so insanely potent! It was created by crossing two already popular strains, Wedding Cake (also known as Pink Cookies) and White Fire OG (or WiFi OG for short), and is sure to leave you feeling connected for hours with its delectable blend of sweet and pungent flavours.

Highly Uplifting Effects

The high from WiFi Cake is almost instantaneous, so it’s important to be mindful of how much you’re consuming. It starts with a bursting cerebral uplift that will have you feeling focused, alert, and all kinds of happy! These sharpened senses and strong uplift can help relieve symptoms of fatigue, depression, stress, anxiety and ADD/ADHD. It’s great for social gatherings, and will take away any social anxiety you may have. WiFi Cake also offers a gentle relaxation that can help ease aches and pains, whether chronic or short-lived. It is best suited for daytime usage, as it is energizing without making you feel tired.
