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Purple Urkle – AAA

Strain: 80% Indica | 30% Sativa
THC: 20% -26%
Parents:  Grape Ape x Granddaddy Purple
Aroma: Sweet tropical fruit | Grapes | Fruity pebbles | Skunk
Flavour: Grape soda| Berries| Earthy | Sweet

SKU: S3_1088 Categories: , ,

Purple Urkle: The Legendary Indica Strain

Purple Urkle is a legendary Indica strain with origins dating back to the 1980s. It hails from the Emerald Triangle area of northern California and has been referred to as “Purple Urple” or “The Urkle”. Its purple genetics, a result of its lineage which includes Grape Ape and Granddaddy Purple, soon made it a favourite amongst cannabis lovers.

Aroma and Flavour

Purple Urkle has a sweet and skunky smell generally containing the aromas of tropical fruit, grapes, fruity pebbles and skunk. Many users suggest that this strain tastes akin to grape soda with an earthy flavor on the back end. It is a thick and sugary smoke that can provide a pleasant experience.


As with many heavy Indica strains, Purple Urkle’s effects can be quite lethargic and relaxing. This makes it an excellent strain for insomnia and anxiety, as well as for pain management and as an appetite stimulant. It is best left for late evening or night time use due to its sedative effects, and it is recommended to start with lower doses, especially for novice users.

Medical Use

Purple Urkle is very popular among medical cannabis patients. It has the potential to provide relief to individuals across a wide spectrum of ailments, such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, stress, pain, fibromyalgia, joint problems, headaches, and muscle spasms. However, due to its potency, it is important to start with lower doses and be aware of common adverse effects such as dizziness, headaches, dehydration, cottonmouth, and dry eyes.

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